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It’s 1993 and my 8th birthday. We’ve not long moved to the estate, there’s a carpet rolled up alongside one wall ready to be laid. I like it here, we have a garden and my room has jazzy wallpaper. We go to the cinema to watch Jurassic Park and then to McDonalds for burgers and ice cream. We walk there through the park and get the 137 on the way back home…


Estate is a solo performance work that explores notions of home, memory, neighbourhood and our attachment to the lived structures which surround us. An alternative storytelling spanning 20 years, you are guided through the streets of The Hillock Estate in Manchester by way of the 11 bus stops that exist within it.



Work-in progress photos can be found here. The film from Estate won the Manchester International Festival HOME1947 Open Film Competition and can be viewed here.


Estate was performed in Liverpool, Manchester and Hull in 2014 - details of the Manchester show can be found here.


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